- Adobe Photoshop 7.0. - Adobe ImageReady. - Animator Pro. - Site Builder 2. - Macromedia Dreamweaver 3. - Other Image processing programs. -Microsoft Office.
- Post name: Martin Elia.
- Full name : Martin Peter Elia Braimok Kalka Elia Rabban.
- Date & place of birth : 1968-01-19 / Kirkuk - Iraq.
- Entered to the AL-Ezza primary school - Kirkuk ( 1973 ).
- Entered to the AL-Waleed secondary school - Kirkuk ( 1979 ).
- Entered to the University of Technology / Building & Construction
Department - Baghdad ( 1986 ).
- Entered to the University of Technology / Architectural Department -
Baghdad ( 1987 ).
- Graduated from the University of Technology / Architectural
Department - Baghdad ( 1993 ).
- Worked in Syria six months as an architecture & a drawer ( 2000 ).
- A medal from The Pope of Vatican ( Stockholm 2001 ).
- Married in Sweden ( February 2003 ).
Thank you for visiting my web
site, I hope you find something
here of interest..
I'm a person who working with
several branches of Design and
Art, and this site presents you
the illustration of my style , and
the way I giving my services.
I built this site to be a best way to
contact between me and my
I work with several programs but
mainly I work with AutoCAD since
1988 , here are the most programs I
- 3d Studio.
- Ulead Media Studio 6.0.